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Contoh RPP eksplorasi, elaborasi dan konfirmasi SMP

  • Selasa, 16 November 2010
  • sanjayatrade
  • Sebuah contoh lagi RPP EEK yang disusun oleh Bapak Hartono, S.Pd  dari SMP Negeri 3 Pulokulon. File ini saya peroleh ketika sedang mencari informasi di Karena hal teknis,  gambar dan atau clipboard yang menyertai  RPP ini tidak dapat saya tampilkan di halaman ini namun secara lengkap dapat dilihat di file di bagian Dload. Silahkan download file lengkapnya. Semoga bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan kita semua.

    Sekolah                       : SMP…..
    Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
    Kelas/Semester           : VIII (Delapan) / 1
    Standar Kompetensi  : 6.  Menulis
    Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
    Kompetensi Dasar     : 6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount
    Indikator                  :   6.2.1. Menulis teks sederhana dalam bentuk descriptive dengan bekerjasama dengan percaya diri
    6.2.2 Menulis teks sederhana dalam bentuk recount dengan bekerjasama dengan percaya diri
    Jenis Teks                 : Teks descriptive dan Recount
    Aspek / Skill              : Menulis
    Alokasi Waktu          : 4 x 40 menit

    1. Tujuan Pembelajaran.
    Pertemuan 1
    Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :
    1. Menulis noun phrase (a/an+Adjective+Noun) dengan logis dan kreatif
    2. Menyusun kata/kata berfrasa menjadi sebuah kalimat menggunakan pola kalimat:
      1. S+to be+ Adjective /Noun dengan cermat dan teliti
      2. S+has+ a/an+Adjective+Noun dengan cermat dan teliti
    3. Menulis kalimat-kalimat secara bekerja sama untuk mendeskripsikan binatang/tanaman dengan percaya diri
    Pertemuan 2
    Pada akhir pelajaran siswa dapat:
    1. Menulis Verb-2 (Regular/Irregular Verbs) dalam kalimat dengan kreatif
    2. Menyusun kata/kata berfrasa menjadi sebuah kalimat menggunakan pola kalimat:
      1. S+Verb-2+ Object dengan cermat dan teliti
      2. S+was/were+Adjective dengan cermat dan teliti
    3. Menulis kalimat-kalimat secara bekerja sama untuk menceritakan pengalaman pribadi/orang lain dengan percaya diri
    1. Materi Pembelajaran.
    Pertemuan 1
    1. Gambar-gambar binatang/tanaman yang dilengkapi dengan guided vocabulary:
    2. Teks descriptive tentang binatang
    3. Pola kalimat:
      1. S+to be+ Adjective /Noun
      2. S+has+ a/an+Adjective+Noun
      3. Kosa Kata: Adjectives dan Nouns yang berhubungan dengan binatang/tanaman

    Pertemuan 2
    1. Gambar-gambar:
    (Terlampir di file)
    1. Teks recount tentang Holiday
    (Terlampir di file)
    1. Pola kalimat:
    (Terlampir di file)
    1. Kosa Kata yang berhubungan dengan Holiday
    1. Metode Pembelajaran / Teknik : Three-Phase Technique

    1. Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran.
    Pertemuan 1
    No Stages Activities Media Duration
    1. Pre-Activity  þ  Greeting, praying, checking  the roll  þ  Reviewing the previous lesson
    þ  Playing a small game “Batu-batu” (when the Teacher says “Batu”, the Ss clap their hands once; when the teacher says “Batu-Batu”, the Ss clap their hands twice
    þ  Teacher asks the Ss to show things in their bag and asks them what it is, what it is like, what color it is or any questions related to noun phrases which can be used to describe something, giving a little explanation about making noun phrases.
    þ  Teacher delivers the objectives of the session.
    Things in the Ss’ bag  10 minutes
      2. Whilst- Activity Exploration:   þ  Teacher asks the Ss any kinds of animals they know, asks the Ss questions: What can you tell me about the animal?; What do you know about the animal?; What is it like?; How is the body? the eyes? the legs?; etc.
    þ  Teacher shows the Ss a picture of animal.

    þ  Teacher asks the Ss questions related to the  picture: What animal is it?; Is it a male or female? What name will you give if you have it? Can you find the physical appearance?
    þ  Teacher asks the Ss more advanced questions: How big is it? Is it like a human? How does it walk? And so on
    þ  Teacher shows the Ss a model of descriptive text
    Pictures of animals  15 minutes
    Elaboration:  þ  Teacher distributes pictures to the students, one student one picture of an animal/a plant with guided vocabulary.
    þ  Teacher asks the Ss to find their friends with the same picture to work in groups.
    þ  Teacher asks the students in groups to discuss and write a descriptive text about the animal using the guided words as the model given.
    þ  Teacher asks the groups to present their descriptive texts in front of the class
    Cards of animals/ plants 30 minutes
    Confirmation:  þ  Teacher gives the Ss reinforcement about what they have done
    þ  Teacher asks the Ss’ difficulties and gives  explanation about their difficulties in making a descriptive text correctly.
    þ  Teacher motivates the Ss to have more practices of writing a descriptive text; emphasizing that it’s easy to do if we have a will to practice and practice everyday.
    Ss’ work 15 minutes
    3. Post- Activity þ  Teacher gives the Ss evaluation about the activity  þ  Teacher gives the students homework (worksheets) to do at home
    þ  Teacher gives a little explanation about what he is going to give in the next session
    þ  Clossing the session
    Ss’ worksheets 10 minutes
    Pertemuan 2
    No Stages Activities Media Duration
    1. Pre-Activity  þ  Greeting, praying, checking  the roll  þ  Reviewing the previous lesson
    þ  Playing a small game “Batu-batu” (when the Teacher says “Batu”, the Ss clap their hands once; when the teacher says “Batu-Batu”, the Ss clap their hands twice
    þ  Teacher asks the Ss questions i.e what did you do this morning? last night? Last month? last holiday?
    þ  Teacher delivers the objectives of the session.
    Ss’ experiences  10 minutes
      2. Whilst- Activity Exploration:   þ  Teacher asks the Ss experiences they have ever had and asks them where it happened, when, with whom, how, and what they did next
    þ  Teacher writes the Ss’ answers on the board, giving a little explanation about how to change Verb-1 into Verb-2 and the use of verb-2 in a sentence
    þ  Teacher shows the following pictures and in pairs the Ss discuss to answer the Teacher’s question “What did he/she do?”

    þ  Teacher and Ss discuss the pictures
    -  Pictures of Activities  15 minutes
    Elaboration:  þ  Using the pictures above, in groups Ss make a chained story. Each student should start the story by “Yesterday I got a funny experience. It happened in………” Then Ss exchange their paper one another.
    þ  To finish the story, Teacher asks the Ss to read their own story and guides them to write the closing (re-orientation) by asking them their impression about the story (It was really……..)
    þ  Teacher asks the groups to choose one story and lets a student in the group to read it aloud.
    -  Pictures of Activities  -  Ss’ work
    Cards of animals/ plants
    30 minutes
    Confirmation:  þ  Teacher gives the Ss reinforcement about what they have done
    þ  Teacher explains the structure of recount text by showing the Ss an example of a recount text and asks the Ss to compare with their work
    þ  Teacher asks the Ss’ difficulties and gives  more explanation about their mistakes
    þ  Teacher motivates the Ss to have more practices of writing a recount text; emphasizing that it’s easy to do if we have a will to practice and practice everyday.
    Ss’ work 15 minutes
    3. Post- Activity þ  Teacher gives the Ss evaluation about the activity  þ  Teacher gives the students homework (worksheets) to do at home
    þ  Teacher gives a little explanation about what he is going to give in the next session
    þ  Clossing the session
    Ss’ worksheets 10 minutes
    5.   Sumber Belajar.

    1. BSE Scaffolding Grade VIII Joko Priyono dkk Hal 1-15
    2. BSE Contextual Teaching and Learning VIII Edisi 4 Utami Widiati dkk Hal 21-35
      1. Teknik         : Tes tertulis
      2. Bentuk        : Writing an essay
      3. Instrument   :
    1. Penilaian.
    Pertemuan 1

    Pertemuan 2
    With your classmates in your group, make a chained story using the pictures below
    d. Rubrik Penilaian :
    No. Criteria Rating Score
    4 3 2 1
    1 The use of noun phrase All noun phrases are well-ordered Few noun phrases are not well-ordered Many noun phrases are not well-ordered All noun phrases are not well-ordered
    2 Sentence Structure All sentences are structurally correct Few sentences are not structurally correct Many sentences are not structurally correct All  sentences are not structurally correct
    3 Vocabulary Many vocabulary variations Few  vocabulary variations Almost no vocabulary variations Lack of   vocabulary variations
    4 Grammar There is almost no error in the use of sentence. There are a few  errors in the use of sentence There are many  errors in the use of sentence Almost all sentences contain errors.
    5 Content The text is well written giving readers very clear about the text The text is adequately   written  giving  readers  sufficiently about the text The text is  less sufficiently  written   giving  readers incomplete information about the text The text is poorly  written, fails to give readers information about the text

    Nilai Siswa = Skor perolehan X 5

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